Your Higher Self is You

Your Higher Self is the part of you that truly knows you -- the you that you embody when you move your ego out of the way, just enough to catch a glimpse into your Soul.


Many of us find ourselves feeling guilty when life isn't going "according to plan". Whether our plan or someone else's plan(s) for us; we can take on burdens that aren't even there. Have you ever felt like you were just a burden? I know I have. The thing is, none of us are burdens. We're all here to learn, grow, and expand ourselves in every way possible -- physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. 

How to Be Happy

You make you happy. It's not your conditions or the people around you that make you happy -- it is YOU! Believing that it's up to externals such as money, relationships, etc. to make you happy only disempowers you. When you realize that it's you who makes you happy, you automatically put yourself in a happier state. With this, notice how much more in control of your life you become.

What’s Your Story?

What are the stories you tell yourself and other people? Are you a victim? Are you less-than, more-than, or equal to other people? How do you define yourself and your life? What role do you play? Most importantly, did YOU decide this story, these stories or did someone else? The stories you CHOOSE to tell play out in your life. The stories you think and the ones you tell sum up how you feel in your life. And, what are all of those stories? A choice.

Stop Trying to Prove Yourself to Others

Say to yourself what you would to your best friend. The more you try to justify yourself to other people, the further you get from your own inner-self alignment. Click to read full post -->