You are NOT Crazy

Are you comfortable with YOU? With your thoughts, your journey, your accomplishments, who you are, etc? Because, if not, you should be! Start noticing, start now, noticing only the good in everything….Try it. Try it just for today. Then check in with yourself tomorrow. Monitor your thoughts, always. Notice them, acknowledge them for what they are; good, "bad", in-between. Address the "bad" with the reminder that there's something to learn from this challenge. Acknowledge the good by...

Processing the Realm of Thought

Three things we should be nourishing every single day: The Mind, the Body, and the Soul. We already know about the Mind and the body. But what about the Soul? Often times described as the Door to Self (eyes being the Windows); our Soul is our inner-most Being that no Religion or organization wants to … Continue reading Processing the Realm of Thought

Defragment your Mind 

You can tell yourself all day long that your relationship is a healthy one, your career a fulfilling one, and/or your health has a check in the checkbox for "healthy and happy camper!" None of that will matter until you actually apply the belief to your life. There is truly a fine line between trying to convince yourself something is accurate for you, versus it truly being as such.  For example, Charlie believes he must always maintain his title and uphold his pride, though with great unease and unhappiness. He attempts to convince himself that he loves his job, his long hours, his love life, or lack there of. The thing is? He still has either negative or positive (more often times, both) thoughts and feelings attached to the belief he is trying to convince himself he believes in.  He gets up, goes to work, he feels good about himself by getting the recognition he believes he deserves but goes home feeling empty and alone because he is missing an important part of the equation: What he ACTUALLY wants, desires, and truly deserves. In its entirety.  What we fixate on, we do get, but